


SCIENTIFIC NAME - Steno from the greek stenos "lenghtened", bredanensis in onor of the studious Van Breda.
FAMILY - Delphinidae
DIMENSIONS - Maximum Length 2.8 mt, maximum weight 150 Kg.
ASPECT - Thin body, melon escaping, joined with continuity to the long and thin rostrum (without the furrow that marks others dolphins), high and arcuated dorsal fin, long pectoral fins.
SKIN and COLORATION - Back dark gray with caparison clear gray, clearer flanks with dark spots, ventre more spotted luminosity and, often and white the contour mouth.
LONGEVITY - Some studious think until 30 years.
REPRODUCTION - Lack studies of the reproductive season and the gestation. At the birth puppy measure approximately 80 cm.
TEETH - Conical small, of grayish color.
BREATH - Little visible.  

SOUNDS - Three types of emissions: 

1° click, used emissions of short duration for the biosonar. 

2° it hisses modulated. 

3° sounds to impulses. 

The emissions of which to number 2 and 3 they constitute the dictionary of the rough tooted, used in order to communicate.

FEEDING - The diet of the rought tooted Dolphin is a lot mostly composed from pelagic fish but also from cefalopod (Vd. Feeding).
HABITAT - Pelagic cetacean loves mostly tropical waters.
SWIM - It's an agile cetacean, knows to be very fast.
JUMPS - They are equipped of good agility in the jumps.
MIGRATIONS - Studies Lack to care.
SOCIALITY - Studies Lack to care but is known that individuals form groups in average of 10-20 but sometimes exist more numerous groups (50-500 individuals), is famous even if as said little studied the strong social tie. Often it cohabits with other cetaceans (es.Bottlenose dolphin).
TEMPERAMENT - Intelligent and has optimal learning abilities , often lets himself being transported from the bow wave of the boats.
DANGER and PREDATORY - The great sharks can attack therefore like the killer whale, victim also of pelagic-net and the pollution. Sometimes subject to individual beaching but the collectives are rarest.
SPECIES DIFFUSION - Do not exist esteem, probably the cetacean is not a lot abundant in the world. In the Mediterranean present occasionally with prevalence to the south (it loves the warmer waters).
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